The main purpose for quality control is to find defects/bugs quickly in production line. This is to deliver the good products to our customers. Quality Control (QC) consists of testing (which is to check product or task to find the defects/bugs). Testing is normally done in the end of production line resulting in lack of time in identifying the problems. The problem (defects/bugs) may happen in the first phase so it costs time and money to fix the problem in the beginning once found in the last phase.

Peer Review will help in this case by identifying the problems at the earliest (no need to wait until the end of production line).
JEP Executive team understands the problems and that’s why we created JEP QC to help in the peer review process at the early phase. This will help the customers to identify defects/bus at the early phases.

Our JEP QC products are well known in two categories which are Peer Review and Testing Management.